cos - returns cosine of scalars and vectors.
float cos(float a);
float1 cos(float1 a);
float2 cos(float2 a);
float3 cos(float3 a);
float4 cos(float4 a);
half cos(half a);
half1 cos(half1 a);
half2 cos(half2 a);
half3 cos(half3 a);
half4 cos(half4 a);
fixed cos(fixed a);
fixed1 cos(fixed1 a);
fixed2 cos(fixed2 a);
fixed3 cos(fixed3 a);
fixed4 cos(fixed4 a);
- a
Vector or scalar of which to determine the cosine.
Returns the cosine of a in radians. The return value is in the range
For vectors, the returned vector contains the cosine of each
element of the input vector.
Reference Implementation
cos is best implemented as a native cosine instruction, however cos
for a float scalar could be implemented by an approximation like this.
cos(float a)
/* C simulation gives a max absolute error of less than 1.8e-7 */
const float4 c0 = float4( 0.0, 0.5,
1.0, 0.0 );
const float4 c1 = float4( 0.25, -9.0,
0.75, 0.159154943091 );
const float4 c2 = float4( 24.9808039603, -24.9808039603,
-60.1458091736, 60.1458091736 );
const float4 c3 = float4( 85.4537887573, -85.4537887573,
-64.9393539429, 64.9393539429 );
const float4 c4 = float4( 19.7392082214, -19.7392082214,
-1.0, 1.0 );
/* r0.x = cos(a) */
float3 r0, r1, r2;
r1.x = c1.w * a; // normalize input
r1.y = frac( r1.x ); // and extract fraction
r2.x = (float) ( r1.y < c1.x ); // range check: 0.0 to 0.25
r2.yz = (float2) ( r1.yy >= c1.yz ); // range check: 0.75 to 1.0
r2.y = dot( r2, c4.zwz ); // range check: 0.25 to 0.75
r0 = - r1.yyy; // range centering
r0 = r0 * r0;
r1 = c2.xyx * r0 + c2.zwz; // start power series
r1 = r1 * r0 + c3.xyx;
r1 = r1 * r0 + c3.zwz;
r1 = r1 * r0 + c4.xyx;
r1 = r1 * r0 + c4.zwz;
r0.x = dot( r1, -r2 ); // range extract
return r0.x;
Profile Support
cos is fully supported in all profiles unless otherwise specified.
cos is supported via an approximation (shown above) in the
vs_1_1, vp20, and arbvp1 profiles.
cos is unsupported in the fp20, ps_1_1, ps_1_2, and ps_1_3 profiles.
See Also
acos, dot, frac, sin, sincos, tan