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NVIDIA CUDA SDK - Physically-Based Simulation

The CUDA Developer SDK provides examples with source code, utilities, and white papers to help you get started writing software with CUDA. The SDK includes dozens of code samples covering a wide range of applications including:

  • Simple techniques such as C++ code integration and efficient loading of custom datatypes
  • How-To examples covering CUDA BLAS and FFT libraries, texture fetching in CUDA, and CUDA interoperation with the OpenGL and Direct3D graphics APIS
  • Linear algebra primitives such as matrix transpose and matrix-matrix multiplication
  • Data-parallel algorithms such as parallel prefix sum of large arrays
  • Performance: profiling using timers and bandwidth tests
  • Advanced application examples such as image convolution, Black-Scholes options pricing and binomial options pricing
Refer to the following READMEs for more information ( Linux , Windows )

This code is released free of charge for use in derivative works, whether academic, commercial, or personal. (Full License)

The NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit is required to run and compile code samples. Please obtain the CUDA Toolkit here

Quick Links:
Data-Parallel Algorithms Computational Finance
Performance Strategies Linear Algebra
Physically-Based Simulation CUDA Basic Topics
Graphics Interop Image/Video Processing and Data Compression
CUDA Advanced Topics

FFT Ocean Simulation For a direct link to this sample, right-click and copy the URL (shortcut) of this link icon.

This sample simulates an Ocean heightfield using CUFFT and renders the result using OpenGL.
  Minimum Required GPU
Minimum Required GPUor later

Download - Windows
Download - Linux

N-Body Simulation For a direct link to this sample, right-click and copy the URL (shortcut) of this link icon.

This sample demonstrates efficient all-pairs simulation of a gravitational n-body simulation in CUDA. This sample accompanies the GPU Gems 3 chapter "Fast N-Body Simulation with CUDA".
  Minimum Required GPU
Minimum Required GPUor later

Download - Windows
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Particles For a direct link to this sample, right-click and copy the URL (shortcut) of this link icon.

This sample uses CUDA to simulates and visualizes a large set of particles and their physical interaction.
  Minimum Required GPU
Minimum Required GPUor later

Download - Windows
Download - Linux

Fluids (OpenGL Version) For a direct link to this sample, right-click and copy the URL (shortcut) of this link icon.

An example of fluid simulation using CUDA and CUFFT, with OpenGL rendering.
  Minimum Required GPU
Minimum Required GPUor later

Download - Windows
Download - Linux

Fluids (Direct3D Version) For a direct link to this sample, right-click and copy the URL (shortcut) of this link icon.

An example of fluid simulation using CUDA and CUFFT, with Direct3D 9 rendering.
  Minimum Required GPU
Minimum Required GPUor later

Download - Windows

Last Update: 11/12/2007