CUresult cuMemcpyAsync ( CUdeviceptr  dst,
CUdeviceptr  src,
size_t  ByteCount,
CUstream  hStream 

Copies data between two pointers. dst and src are base pointers of the destination and source, respectively. ByteCount specifies the number of bytes to copy. Note that this function infers the type of the transfer (host to host, host to device, device to device, or device to host) from the pointer values. This function is only allowed in contexts which support unified addressing. Note that this function is asynchronous and can optionally be associated to a stream by passing a non-zero hStream argument

dst - Destination unified virtual address space pointer
src - Source unified virtual address space pointer
ByteCount - Size of memory copy in bytes
hStream - Stream identifier
Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous launches.
See also:
cuArray3DCreate, cuArray3DGetDescriptor, cuArrayCreate, cuArrayDestroy, cuArrayGetDescriptor, cuMemAlloc, cuMemAllocHost, cuMemAllocPitch, cuMemcpy2D, cuMemcpy2DAsync, cuMemcpy2DUnaligned, cuMemcpy3D, cuMemcpy3DAsync, cuMemcpyAtoA, cuMemcpyAtoD, cuMemcpyAtoH, cuMemcpyAtoHAsync, cuMemcpyDtoA, cuMemcpyDtoD, cuMemcpyDtoH, cuMemcpyDtoHAsync, cuMemcpyHtoA, cuMemcpyHtoAAsync, cuMemcpyHtoD, cuMemcpyHtoDAsync, cuMemFree, cuMemFreeHost, cuMemGetAddressRange, cuMemGetInfo, cuMemHostAlloc, cuMemHostGetDevicePointer, cuMemsetD2D8, cuMemsetD2D8Async, cuMemsetD2D16, cuMemsetD2D16Async, cuMemsetD2D32, cuMemsetD2D32Async, cuMemsetD8, cuMemsetD8Async, cuMemsetD16, cuMemsetD16Async, cuMemsetD32, cuMemsetD32Async

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