Name EXT_texture_env_combine Name Strings GL_EXT_texture_env_combine Contact Michael Gold (gold 'at' Tom Frisinger, AMD (tom.frisinger 'at' Status Shipping (NVIDIA, ATI) Version $Date$ $Revision$ Last Modified Date: 2006/11/04 02:49:00 Revision: 1.8 Number 158 Dependencies SGI_texture_color_table affects the definition of this extension SGIX_texture_scale_bias affects the definition of this extension Overview New texture environment function COMBINE_EXT allows programmable texture combiner operations, including: REPLACE Arg0 MODULATE Arg0 * Arg1 ADD Arg0 + Arg1 ADD_SIGNED_EXT Arg0 + Arg1 - 0.5 INTERPOLATE_EXT Arg0 * (Arg2) + Arg1 * (1-Arg2) where Arg0, Arg1 and Arg2 are derived from PRIMARY_COLOR_EXT primary color of incoming fragment TEXTURE texture color of corresponding texture unit CONSTANT_EXT texture environment constant color PREVIOUS_EXT result of previous texture environment; on texture unit 0, this maps to PRIMARY_COLOR_EXT and Arg2 is restricted to the alpha component of the corresponding source. In addition, the result may be scaled by 1.0, 2.0 or 4.0. Issues Should the explicit bias be removed in favor of an implcit bias as part of a ADD_SIGNED_EXT function? - Yes. This pre-scale bias is a special case and will be treated as such. Should the primary color of the incoming fragment be available to all texture environments? Currently it is only available to the texture environment of texture unit 0. - Yes, PRIMARY_COLOR_EXT has been added as an input source. Should textures from other texture units be allowed as sources? - No, not in the base spec. Too many vendors have expressed concerns about the scalability of such functionality. This can be added as a subsequent extension. All of the 1.2 modes except BLEND can be expressed in terms of this extension. Should texture color be allowed as a source for Arg2, so all of the 1.2 modes can be expressed? If so, should all color sources be allowed, to maintain orthogonality? - No, not in the base spec. This can be added as a subsequent extension. New Procedures and Functions None New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of TexEnvf, TexEnvi, TexEnvfv, and TexEnviv when the parameter value is TEXTURE_ENV_MODE COMBINE_EXT 0x8570 Accepted by the parameter of TexEnvf, TexEnvi, TexEnvfv, and TexEnviv when the parameter value is TEXTURE_ENV COMBINE_RGB_EXT 0x8571 COMBINE_ALPHA_EXT 0x8572 SOURCE0_RGB_EXT 0x8580 SOURCE1_RGB_EXT 0x8581 SOURCE2_RGB_EXT 0x8582 SOURCE0_ALPHA_EXT 0x8588 SOURCE1_ALPHA_EXT 0x8589 SOURCE2_ALPHA_EXT 0x858A OPERAND0_RGB_EXT 0x8590 OPERAND1_RGB_EXT 0x8591 OPERAND2_RGB_EXT 0x8592 OPERAND0_ALPHA_EXT 0x8598 OPERAND1_ALPHA_EXT 0x8599 OPERAND2_ALPHA_EXT 0x859A RGB_SCALE_EXT 0x8573 ALPHA_SCALE Accepted by the parameter of TexEnvf, TexEnvi, TexEnvfv, and TexEnviv when the parameter value is COMBINE_RGB_EXT or COMBINE_ALPHA_EXT REPLACE MODULATE ADD ADD_SIGNED_EXT 0x8574 INTERPOLATE_EXT 0x8575 Accepted by the parameter of TexEnvf, TexEnvi, TexEnvfv, and TexEnviv when the parameter value is SOURCE0_RGB_EXT, SOURCE1_RGB_EXT, SOURCE2_RGB_EXT, SOURCE0_ALPHA_EXT, SOURCE1_ALPHA_EXT, or SOURCE2_ALPHA_EXT TEXTURE CONSTANT_EXT 0x8576 PRIMARY_COLOR_EXT 0x8577 PREVIOUS_EXT 0x8578 Accepted by the parameter of TexEnvf, TexEnvi, TexEnvfv, and TexEnviv when the parameter value is OPERAND0_RGB_EXT or OPERAND1_RGB_EXT SRC_COLOR ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR SRC_ALPHA ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA Accepted by the parameter of TexEnvf, TexEnvi, TexEnvfv, and TexEnviv when the parameter value is OPERAND0_ALPHA_EXT or OPERAND1_ALPHA_EXT SRC_ALPHA ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA Accepted by the parameter of TexEnvf, TexEnvi, TexEnvfv, and TexEnviv when the parameter value is OPERAND2_RGB_EXT or OPERAND2_ALPHA_EXT SRC_ALPHA Accepted by the parameter of TexEnvf, TexEnvi, TexEnvfv, and TexEnviv when the parameter value is RGB_SCALE_EXT or ALPHA_SCALE 1.0 2.0 4.0 Additions to Chapter 2 of the GL Specification (OpenGL Operation) None Additions to Chapter 3 of the GL Specification (Rasterization) Added to subsection 3.8.9, before the paragraph describing the state requirements: If the value of TEXTURE_ENV_MODE is COMBINE_EXT, the form of the texture function depends on the values of COMBINE_RGB_EXT and COMBINE_ALPHA_EXT, according to table 3.20. The RGB and ALPHA results of the texture function are then multiplied by the values of RGB_SCALE_EXT and ALPHA_SCALE, respectively. The results are clamped to [0,1]. COMBINE_RGB_EXT or COMBINE_ALPHA_EXT Texture Function ------------------ ---------------- REPLACE Arg0 MODULATE Arg0 * Arg1 ADD Arg0 + Arg1 ADD_SIGNED_EXT Arg0 + Arg1 - 0.5 INTERPOLATE_EXT Arg0 * (Arg2) + Arg1 * (1-Arg2) Table 3.20: COMBINE_EXT texture functions The arguments Arg0, Arg1 and Arg2 are determined by the values of SOURCE_RGB_EXT, SOURCE_ALPHA_EXT, OPERAND_RGB_EXT and OPERAND_ALPHA_EXT. In the following two tables, Ct and At are the filtered texture RGB and alpha values; Cc and Ac are the texture environment RGB and alpha values; Cf and Af are the RGB and alpha of the primary color of the incoming fragment; and Cp and Ap are the RGB and alpha values resulting from the previous texture environment. On texture environment 0, Cp and Ap are identical to Cf and Af, respectively. The relationship is described in tables 3.21 and 3.22. SOURCE_RGB_EXT OPERAND_RGB_EXT Argument ----------------- -------------- -------- TEXTURE SRC_COLOR Ct ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR (1-Ct) SRC_ALPHA At ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (1-At) CONSTANT_EXT SRC_COLOR Cc ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR (1-Cc) SRC_ALPHA Ac ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (1-Ac) PRIMARY_COLOR_EXT SRC_COLOR Cf ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR (1-Cf) SRC_ALPHA Af ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (1-Af) PREVIOUS_EXT SRC_COLOR Cp ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR (1-Cp) SRC_ALPHA Ap ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (1-Ap) Table 3.21: Arguments for COMBINE_RGB_EXT functions SOURCE_ALPHA_EXT OPERAND_ALPHA_EXT Argument ----------------- -------------- -------- TEXTURE SRC_ALPHA At ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (1-At) CONSTANT_EXT SRC_ALPHA Ac ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (1-Ac) PRIMARY_COLOR_EXT SRC_ALPHA Af ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (1-Af) PREVIOUS_EXT SRC_ALPHA Ap ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (1-Ap) Table 3.22: Arguments for COMBINE_ALPHA_EXT functions The mapping of texture components to source components is summarized in Table 3.23. In the following table, At, Lt, It, Rt, Gt and Bt are the filtered texel values. Base Internal Format RGB Values Alpha Value -------------------- ---------- ----------- ALPHA 0, 0, 0 At LUMINANCE Lt, Lt, Lt 1 LUMINANCE_ALPHA Lt, Lt, Lt At INTENSITY It, It, It It RGB Rt, Gt, Bt 1 RGBA Rt, Gt, Bt At Table 3.23: Correspondence of texture components to source components for COMBINE_RGB_EXT and COMBINE_ALPHA_EXT arguments Additions to Chapter 4 of the GL Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Framebuffer) None Additions to Chapter 5 of the GL Specification (Special Functions) None Additions to Chapter 6 of the GL Specification (State and State Requests) None Additions to the GLX Specification None GLX Protocol None Errors INVALID_ENUM is generated if value for COMBINE_RGB_EXT or COMBINE_ALPHA_EXT is not one of REPLACE, MODULATE, ADD, ADD_SIGNED_EXT, or INTERPOLATE_EXT. INVALID_ENUM is generated if value for SOURCE0_RGB_EXT, SOURCE1_RGB_EXT, SOURCE2_RGB_EXT, SOURCE0_ALPHA_EXT, SOURCE1_ALPHA_EXT or SOURCE2_ALPHA_EXT is not one of TEXTURE, CONSTANT_EXT, PRIMARY_COLOR_EXT or PREVIOUS_EXT. INVALID_ENUM is generated if value for OPERAND0_RGB_EXT or OPERAND1_RGB_EXT is not one of SRC_COLOR, ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, SRC_ALPHA or ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA. INVALID_ENUM is generated if value for OPERAND0_ALPHA_EXT or OPERAND1_ALPHA_EXT is not one of SRC_ALPHA or ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA. INVALID_ENUM is generated if value for OPERAND2_RGB_EXT or OPERAND2_ALPHA_EXT is not SRC_ALPHA. INVALID_VALUE is generated if value for RGB_SCALE_EXT or ALPHA_SCALE is not one of 1.0, 2.0, or 4.0. Dependencies on SGI_texture_color_table If SGI_texture_color_table is implemented, the expanded Rt, Gt, Bt, and At values are used directly instead of the expansion described by Table 3.23. Dependencies on SGIX_texture_scale_bias If SGIX_texture_scale_bias is implemented, the expanded Rt, Gt, Bt, and At values are used directly instead of the expansion described by Table 3.23. New State Get Value Get Command Type Initial Value Attribute --------- ----------- ---- ------------- --------- COMBINE_RGB_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z4 MODULATE texture COMBINE_ALPHA_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z4 MODULATE texture SOURCE0_RGB_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z3 TEXTURE texture SOURCE1_RGB_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z3 PREVIOUS_EXT texture SOURCE2_RGB_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z3 CONSTANT_EXT texture SOURCE0_ALPHA_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z3 TEXTURE texture SOURCE1_ALPHA_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z3 PREVIOUS_EXT texture SOURCE2_ALPHA_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z3 CONSTANT_EXT texture OPERAND0_RGB_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z6 SRC_COLOR texture OPERAND1_RGB_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z6 SRC_COLOR texture OPERAND2_RGB_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z1 SRC_ALPHA texture OPERAND0_ALPHA_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z4 SRC_ALPHA texture OPERAND1_ALPHA_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z4 SRC_ALPHA texture OPERAND2_ALPHA_EXT GetTexEnviv n x Z1 SRC_ALPHA texture RGB_SCALE_EXT GetTexEnvfv n x R3 1.0 texture ALPHA_SCALE GetTexEnvfv n x R3 1.0 texture New Implementation Dependent State None NVIDIA Implementation Details Because of a hardware limitation, TNT, TNT2, GeForce, and Quadro treat "scale by 4.0" with the COMBINE_RGB_EXT or COMBINE_ALPHA_EXT mode of ADD_SIGNED_EXT as "scale by 2.0". GeForce 6 Series and later GPUs (NV40 and on) support "scale by 4.0" properly. Revision History 2/22/00 mjk - added NVIDIA Implementation Details