Name NV_video_output Name Strings GLX_NV_video_output Contact Thomas True, Nvidia, Ian Williams, Nvidia, Martin Schwarzer, Nvidia, Andy Ritger, Nvidia, Status Shipping since 2004 for NVIDIA Quadro SDI (Serial Digital Interface) Version Last Modified: $Date: 2008/02/20 $ NVIDIA Revision: $Revision: #5 $ Number 348 Dependencies OpenGL 1.1 is required. GLX 1.3 is required. Overview This extension permits a color and or depth buffer of a pbuffer to be used for rendering and subsequent video output. After a pbuffer has been bound to a video device, subsequent color and or depth rendering into that buffer may be displayed on the video output. This is intended for use with NVIDIA products such as the Quadro FX 4000 SDI. Issues 1. Should the new pbuffer attributes be available through GL queries? No, like other pbuffer attributes you need to query them through the window system extension. This extension does not make any changes to OpenGL. 2. Should glXSendPbufferToVideoNV require that the pbuffer be current? Implementation Notes 1. Any created pbuffers must be the same resolution as that specified by the state of the video output device. The current state of the video output device can be queried via the NV-CONTROL X extension. 2. Applications may use a single pbuffer or a collection of pbuffers to send frames/fields to a video device. In the first case, an application should block on the call to glXSendPbufferToVideoNV() to ensure synchronization. In the second case, an application should utilize glXGetVideoInfoNV() in order to query vblank and buffer counters for synchronization. Intended Usage 1) Configure the video output device via the NV-CONTROL X extension. 2) Use glXGetFBConfigs or glXChooseFBConfig to find a suitable FBConfig for rendering images. GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE must have GLX_PBUFFER_BIT set. The per-component pixel depth of the pbuffer must be equal to or greater than the per-component depth of the video output. 3) Create a GLXPbuffer for each stream of video by calling glXCreatePbuffer. Set the width and height for each GLXPbuffer to match that of the intended video output device. 4) Call glXGetVideoDeviceNV to retrieve the handles for all video devices available. A video device handle is required for each video stream. glXGetVideoDeviceNV will lock the video device for exclusive use by this GLX client. The NV-CONTROL X extension will not be able to update video out attributes until the video device is released with glXReleaseVideoDeviceNV. 5) Call glXBindVideoImageNV to bind each GLXPbuffer to a corresponding video device handle. Multiple pbuffers can be bound, at the same time, to the same video device. 6) Render the current frame/field for each stream to one of the bound GLXPbuffers. Once rendering is complete, call glXSendPbufferToVideoNV to send each frame/field to the video device. 7) Render subsequent video frames or fields calling glXSendPbufferToVideoNV() at the completion of rendering for each frame/field. 8) Call glXReleaseVideoImageNV to unbind each GLXPbuffer from its associated video device. 9) Call glXReleaseVideoDeviceNV to release the video device. New Types /* * GLXVideoDeviceNV is an opaque handle to a video device. */ typedef struct unsigned int GLXVideoDeviceNV; New Procedures and Functions int glXGetVideoDeviceNV(Display *dpy, int screen, int numVideoDevices, GLXVideoDeviceNV *pVideoDevice); int glXReleaseVideoDeviceNV(Display *dpy, int screen, GLXVideoDeviceNV VideoDevice); int glXBindVideoImageNV(Display *dpy, GLXVideoDeviceNV VideoDevice, GLXPbuffer pbuf, int iVideoBuffer); int glXReleaseVideoImageNV(Display *dpy, GLXPbuffer pbuf); int glXSendPbufferToVideoNV(Display *dpy, GLXPbuffer pbuf, int iBufferType, unsigned long *pulCounterPbuffer, GLboolean bBlock); int glXGetVideoInfoNV(Display *dpy, int screen, GLXVideoDeviceNV VideoDevice, unsigned long *pulCounterOutputPbuffer, unsigned long *pulCounterOutputVideo); New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of glXBindVideoImageNV: GLX_VIDEO_OUT_COLOR_NV 0x20C3 GLX_VIDEO_OUT_ALPHA_NV 0x20C4 GLX_VIDEO_OUT_DEPTH_NV 0x20C5 GLX_VIDEO_OUT_COLOR_AND_ALPHA_NV 0x20C6 GLX_VIDEO_OUT_COLOR_AND_DEPTH_NV 0x20C7 Accepted by the parameter of glXSendPbufferToVideoNV: GLX_VIDEO_OUT_FRAME_NV 0x20C8 GLX_VIDEO_OUT_FIELD_1_NV 0x20C9 GLX_VIDEO_OUT_FIELD_2_NV 0x20CA GLX_VIDEO_OUT_STACKED_FIELDS_1_2_NV 0x20CB GLX_VIDEO_OUT_STACKED_FIELDS_2_1_NV 0x20CC Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation) None. Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Rasterization) None. Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer) None. Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (Special Functions) None. Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 1.2.1 Specification (State and State Requests) None. Additions to the GLX 1.3 Specification [Add new section, Video Out] Video out functions permit color and depth buffers from a pbuffer to be sent to a video output device. The command int glXGetVideoDeviceNV(Display *dpy, int screen, int numVideoDevices, GLXVideoDeviceNV *pVideoDevice); fills in the array with up to handles to the available video devices. must be non-negative, and must not be NULL. It is not an error if the number of available video devices is larger that ; in that case the first device handles are returned. It is an error if is larger than the number of available video devices. The order of devices returned in is implementation dependent. If glXGetVideoDeviceNV succeeds, 0 is returned. Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned. The command int glXReleaseVideoDeviceNV(Display *dpy, int screen, GLXVideoDeviceNV VideoDevice); releases all resources associated with . If glXReleaseVideoDeviceNV succeeds, 0 is returned. Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned. The command int glXBindVideoImageNV(Display *dpy, GLXVideoDeviceNV VideoDevice, GLXPbuffer pbuf, int iVideoBuffer); binds to for subsequent scanout where specifies that contains color, alpha and/or depth data. Valid values for are: GLX_VIDEO_OUT_COLOR_NV 0x20C3 GLX_VIDEO_OUT_ALPHA_NV 0x20C4 GLX_VIDEO_OUT_DEPTH_NV 0x20C5 GLX_VIDEO_OUT_COLOR_AND_ALPHA_NV 0x20C6 GLX_VIDEO_OUT_COLOR_AND_DEPTH_NV 0x20C7 cannot be None, and must be a VideoDevice returned by glXGetVideoDeviceNV(). A pbuffer can only be bound to one GLXVideoDeviceNV at a time. If is already bound to a different GLXVideoDeviceNV, then glXBindVideoImageNV will fail. If glXBindVideoImageNV succeeds, 0 is returned. Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned. The command int glXReleaseVideoImageNV(Display *dpy, GLXPbuffer pbuf); releases from a previously bound video device. may not be None. If glXReleaseVideoImageNV succeeds, 0 is returned. Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned. The command int glXSendPbufferToVideoNV(Display *dpy, GLXPbuffer pbuf, int iBufferType, unsigned long *pulCounterPbuffer, Bool bBlock); indicates that rendering to the is complete and that the completed frame/field contained with is ready for scan out by the video device where specifies that contains the first field, second field or a complete frame. Valid values for are: GLX_VIDEO_OUT_FRAME_NV 0x20C8 GLX_VIDEO_OUT_FIELD_1_NV 0x20C9 GLX_VIDEO_OUT_FIELD_2_NV 0x20CA The color buffer controlled by glReadBuffer is used as the color buffer input to glXSendPbufferToVideoNV(). cannot be None. The argument specifies whether or not the call should block until scan out of the specified frame/field is complete. returns the total number of frames/fields sent to the video device. If glXSendPbufferToVideoNV succeeds, 0 is returned. Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned. The command int glXGetVideoInfoNV(GLXVideoDeviceNV VideoDevice, unsigned long *pulCounterOutputPbuffer, unsigned long *pulCounterOutputVideo); returns in the absolute count of vertical blanks on since transfers were started while returns the count of the current pbuffer being scanned out by . If glXGetVideoInfoNV succeeds, 0 is returned. Otherwise, a non-zero error code is returned. GLX Protocol Six new GLX protocol commands are added. GetVideoDeviceNV 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned) 1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply) 2 5 request length 4 1313 vendor specific opcode 4 unused 4 CARD32 num_devices 4 CARD32 screen => 1 CARD8 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 n reply length 4 CARD32 status 4 CARD32 num_devices 16 unused 4 * n CARD32 video_device handles Where n is the number of device handles returned. ReleaseVideoDeviceNV 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned) 1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply) 2 5 request length 4 1314 vendor specific opcode 4 unused 4 CARD32 video_device 4 CARD32 screen => 1 CARD8 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 CARD32 status 20 unused BindVideoImageNV 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned) 1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply) 2 6 request length 4 1314 vendor specific opcode 4 unused 4 GLX_PBUFFER pbuffer 4 CARD32 video_device 4 CARD32 video_buffer => 1 CARD8 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 CARD32 status 20 unused ReleaseVideoImageNV 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned) 1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply) 2 4 request length 4 1315 vendor specific opcode 4 GLX_PBUFFER pbuffer => 1 CARD8 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 CARD32 status 20 unused SendPbufferToVideoNV 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned) 1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply) 2 6 request length 4 1316 vendor specific opcode 4 unused 4 GLX_PBUFFER pbuffer 4 CARD32 buffer_type 1 BOOL block 1 unused 2 unused => 1 CARD8 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 CARD32 status 4 CARD32 counter_pbuffer 16 unused GetVideoInfoNV 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned) 1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply) 2 5 request length 4 1317 vendor specific opcode 4 CARD32 screen 4 CARD32 video_device => 1 CARD8 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 CARD32 status 4 CARD32 counter_video 4 CARD32 counter_pbuffer 12 unused New State None New Implementation Dependent State None