Installing NVIDIA Platform Analyzer - (formerly: AgPerfmon) 1. Install nvpa_x86.msi or nvpa_x64.msi. You could install both, but there is nothing to gain by it. You only need one. 2. If this is your first time installing nvpa, reboot so the new folder is in the system path of all apps. The 64bit installer installs native 64bit Python applications (the main app, the viewer, extractor, and lanetimeline) and 32-bit AgPmCollector.exe and perfmon2file.exe. Both 64bit and 32bit installers include AgPerfMon_x86.dll and AgPerfMon_x64.dll so they can profile 32bit or 64bit applications. Known Bugs: 1 - Fermi appears to only report a 5 bit hardware warpid, when in fact it can go as high as 47. 2 - on non-fermi architectures, there can be skew between the times reported by each SM, causing kernel summaries to be badly wrong. 3 - our WiX scripts do not do upgrades properly, so uninstall older versions of nvpa before installing a new one.